Baby Boy and Malik Greene – Leaky Faucet Company
July 9, 2021 @ 10:00 am - July 18, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
Artist Malik Greene was born on July 8th, 1997 in Columbia, South Carolina. Malik has always had a curious mind and factors such as broken homes, lack of resources and witnessing systems designed for dissonance turned him to an exploration of self, forced to understand the world he is a part of. During this quest, Malik gravitated towards art forms such as illustration and clothing design through learned experiences with family and friends, nonetheless he developed a strong passion for painting while attending college at Coastal Carolina University. During this time Malik sought to incorporate his passions with effective means to reach back to communities he inhabited as a youth, ultimately pursuing a full-time interest in painting in oils and acrylics respectively. He received his minor in studio art, yet harmoniously uses his Psychology degree in order to pair his mental processes to his own artistic practice. The work of Malik Greene captures his mental state as well as the perspective of his own world. His art allows him to stand in the center, painting what is around him. Malik’s desire is to use painting as a form of record-keeping, using his art as a means to be the bridge between creativity and capturing his own personal epic. His work captures an intimate narrative, as well as historical, political and popular culture influences.
Baby Boy Statement
“Baby Boy” is a culmination of my work dating back to March 2020. The figures and themes I present in this work are a direct reflection of me, my surroundings and how I imagine the world around me. This project came about at the opening phases of the pandemic, though not directly correlated, during this time I was given the opportunity to go on a tour of self-exploration, becoming familiar with myself and the focal pieces that have ultimately helped mold me into the man I am today. As an artist, I have discovered that some may only see a slither of me as a person, never the true inspirations nor the factors that have led me to my destination. In my eyes, the “home” serves as a place of comfort and the pieces that I have created convey me, my motivations, my high’s, low’s and everything in between that has ultimately brought me back to “home”. Not a physical destination but a feeling of security, as I have ventured out into the world, I have been given the promise that no matter how far I stray away I have somewhere to return. They say that home is where the heart is, but home will never be attainable until I am able to transparently uncover my own heart, my true intentions and desires through my artistry. These pieces seek to uncover a world within a home of my own. A place fortified by my eyes and ambitions, not swayed or collided with a world I am not the creator of. I find power in the reality of my own reality, and my desire is to convey this truth as well as uncover the truth and beauty placed within those that I hold close to my heart. My art serves as my autobiography and these paintings tell the origin story of Malik Greene, as I convey what is “home” to me.
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