Vista Lights 2008
(Click on image above to enlarge. Above: Entrance to the main gallery area.)
Vista Studios in Columbia, SC, will present the exhibit, Fall 2008 Exhibition, featuring works by studio artists of Vista Studios in Gallery 80808, on view from November 13 through December 2, 2008. The reception for this annual exhibition is part of the 23rd annual VISTA LIGHTS CELEBRATION on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 from5 – 10 PM.
The public is invited to view recent works by the studios’ 13 artists: Don Zurlo, David Yaghjian, Laura Spong, Michel McNinch, Susan Lenz, Sharon Licata, Robert Kennedy, Pat Gilmartin, Heidi Darr-Hope, Jeff Donovan, Stephen Chesley, Pat Callahan, and Ethel Brody. This is an opportunity to glimpse works in progress, browse what’s for sale, and discuss methods and process with the studios’ artists.
In Stephen Chesley’s studio, paintings stacked deep and high crowd an easel, stool, and easy chair into a back corner. In contrast, Laura Spong works within an open space. Her easel sits distant from a chair that offers needed perspective for critiques. Paintings are stored orderly along one wall. In the studio of sculptor Sharon Licata, materials and artwork achieve impressive scale and weight.
Spend time in these creative spaces, talk with the artists, and perhaps gain insight into the unfathomable leap from materials to creation: the exquisite surface of Susan Lenz’s textiles or Don Zurlo’s abstracts, the whimsical characters of Jeff Donovan’s ceramics or David Yaghjian’s paintings; the evocative constructions by Heidi Darr Hope or Pat Callahan. Understand the inspiration behind the Michel McNinch’s landscapes, Ethel Brody’s abstracts, or Robert Kennedy’s and Pat Gilmartin’s figurative works.
The main gallery, atrium, and the hallways have been thoughtfully arranged to showcase the depth and variety of work available. The show is open on Saturday, November 22 from 10 – 5 and also by chance or appointment through December 2, 2008. For additional information, please call (803) 252-6134 or visit the website at
(Click on images to enlarge. Above: Main gallery. Oils by Laura Spong. Quilt by Susan Lenz. Sculpture by Jeff Donovan. Table by Pat Gilmartin.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Sculpture by Sharon Licata. Oils, from left to right, by Laura Spong, Don Zurlo, and Stephen Chesley.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Atrium. Sculpture by Pat Gilmartin. Paintings by David Yaghjian.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Bronze by Sharon Licata. Oils by Stephen Chesley.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Sculpture by Pat Gilmartin.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Fiber vessels by Susan Lenz.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Collection of ceramic hats by Jeff Donovan.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Mixed media box by Pat Callahan.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Heidi Darr-Hope’s Coward, Enter Your House.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: David Yaghjian’s Untitled Man.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Don Zurlo’s Study for 100308.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Don Zurlo’s Study for 100208.)
(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Stephen Chesley’s Twilight, Near the River.)
(Click on image above: Stephen Chesley’s July Rain.)
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