Kiln Opening, July 14, 2007
After weeks of work vending the kilns, Jeff Donovan’s studio is handsomely equipped for firing both regular clay and paper clay. The “grand opening” of the first paper clay firing was Saturday, July 14. The work inside looked spectacular. Even the “Kiln Gods” must have been pleased! Also, Vista Studios’ Main Gallery, atrium, and hallways are currently exhibiting work by the resident artists. This display will hang until August 2. The gallery is open when a member artist is at work…which nowadays is almost all the time! There’s a day crew coming by 10 AM that overlaps an active late afternoon and evening crew. Most weekends are open too. It’s best to call 252-6134 before making a special trip. Free parking after 6 PM and on weekends is available in the city owned lot diagonally across Lady Street…but entrance is off Washington Street across from the police station. |
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