Posted October 20, 2016

New public artwork welcomes creators to Community Innovation Center
New public artwork is on display thanks to a partnership between One Columbia for Arts and History and United Way of the Midlands.
The two organizations united to commission a set of sculptures in conjunction with the dedication of the Community Innovation Center. The sculptures, called “Infinity Extended I and II,” were created by Columbia-based artists Sharon Collings Licata. One sculpture will be posted at each of the two entrances to the Community Innovation Center.

Infinity Extended I and II was created by Columbia-based artist Sharon Collings Licata. (Photo provided)
“Art is a verb. United Way’s mission of uniting people and resources to improve the quality of life in the Midlands is reflected in the interwoven nature of the sculptures,” said Licata, who has a studio in Vista Studios/Gallery 80808 in the Vista. “The two strands reaching upward reference the two aspects of United Way’s process, needs and resources, and how they continue to grow and change.”
The idea is for the Community Innovation Center to become a home for local creators.
“We want our new Community Innovation Center to be a hub for collaboration and creativity in the Midlands. We thank Wells Fargo for funding this project, and we appreciate the beautiful piece of art created by Sharon Licata and One Columbia for their help making this become a reality,” said President and CEO of United Way of the Midlands Mac Bennett.
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